Your Journey Begins Here Student Bio - 澳门足球博彩官方网址-澳门足球博彩官方网址

"Experience at GC created opportunities I never thought were possible"








'Opportunity is in greatest supply where there is none'- this is the personal motto of Jacob Israel Hannah, 2015年毕业于加勒特学院.

Hannah grew up with six-siblings – all of whom were homeschooled. 他在华盛顿州戴维斯附近的一个山顶农场长大.Va., 他学会了对管事人员净水的欣赏, 可持续农林业, 狩猎, 以及人与人之间的纽带, 山, 和制造商.

He entered the workforce directly from high school and spent his time renovating dilapidated houses in Davis, 在Full Circle Concepts当线控. However, it eventually became clear to him that he wanted to follow a different direction.

This intuition became the driving force behind Hannah's pursuit of fulfilling a purpose, which eventually led him to study at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 and Bucknell University.

作为第一代大学生, Hannah made a seamless transition from homeschool to higher 教育. He enrolled in the business managementassociate degree program at 澳门足球博彩官方网址.

One of the deciding factors in choosing a college for Hannah was the financial advantages of attending Garrett, along with a desire to graduate with little to no student debt.

等我从澳门足球博彩官方网址毕业的时候, I had zero debt – everything was practically covered by a combination of scholarships and GC's low tuition rates,他指出. "This is an opportunity everyone should take advantage of."

据汉娜说, 他在GC的时间允许他进行探索和发现, 就他的诸多兴趣而言, 激情, 目标可以最好地发挥他的全部潜力.

"One of the things that positively impacted my experience at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 was the intimate, 小类, 允许我和教授一对一的交流,汉娜说。. "I was definitely not expecting this; however, 通过对话和参与, I was able to hone down exactly what I was chasing after."

For Hannah, this would be a desire to enter the field of sustainability management.

在加勒特学院期间, 他因许多成就而受到认可, 不仅在学业上优秀, 同时也是一名同伴导师, 积极的社区志愿者, and for his involvement and engagement in a multitude of activities and projects across campus.

He was also a member of the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Omicron Chapter of the prestigious Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.

One of the most profound opportunities for Hannah arose as he was selected to participate in the Bucknell Community College Scholars Program during the summer between his two years at GC at Bucknell University, 路易斯堡的一所私立文理学院, Pa.

结果是, he was awarded the extremely competitive two-year transfer scholarship to further his 教育 at Bucknell University, following graduation from 澳门足球博彩官方网址 with his associate's degree.

After graduating from Bucknell University with a bachelor's degree in management for sustainability, he studied cultural sustainability in France and Scotland for six months.

Testing out his triple-bottom line sustainability concepts, Hannah spent three years developing revitalization initiatives for coal towns in central Pennsylvania and food security programs in western Maryland.

When an opportunity presented itself for Hannah to give back to the community college that gave him so much, 他很高兴.

“我不确定毕业后的下一步是什么, but I did know that there were opportunities to stay connected and give back to Garrett, 同时也在专业上发展自己,汉娜说。. “不用说, I was empowered to be able to volunteer a year of service as an alumnus who could interweave with the student and staff environments."

担任美国服务队VISTA成员, he actively sought out ways to employ his degree in sustainability management with the College's 有需要学生小组 (唱) – specifically with the on-campus food pantry, 这是GC学生大量使用的资源.

Hannah made it a personal priority to determine how SING could continue to aid in student success while reducing overhead costs for the non-profit organization as a whole.

To address the complex challenges that faced the organization, Hannah was instrumental in forming a collaborative partnership between SING, 附近的教堂(牧羊人教堂), 还有一个大面积的食物银行. This resulted in a 75 percent decrease in shopping costs for SING.

他还实施了一项培训计划, inviting other church partners and staff members at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 to be part of the solution. Hannah's efforts resulted in establishing a successful framework to support the structural integrity of SING, enabling the organization to move forward into the future.

目前, he serves as the inaugural 保护协调 for Coalfield Development, 总部设在亨廷顿, W. Va.

非营利组织, the mission of Coalfield Development is to support a family of social enterprises that inspire the courage to grow, activate the creativity to transform perceived liabilities into assets, and cultivate the community needed for real opportunity in Appalachia through mentorship, 教育, 和就业.

Hannah is grateful for the opportunity to work for Coalfield, an organization that not only strives to build a new economy during the wake of the coal industry's rapid decline in West Virginia, but also embodies a revitalized and renewed vision for the Appalachian region.

“太久了。, Appalachians have been the recipients of exploitation and bad ideas, now it's our time to decide our own fate and blaze our own trail,汉娜说。. “这就是我们在这里所做的, rebuilding our economy and communities from the ground up – by Appalachians, 对阿帕拉契山脉."

在业余时间, 他喜欢为吉他和钢琴谱曲, 在树林里迷路了, 与家人共度时光, 从网上收集新鲜的潮湿表情包.